Badcock And Wilcox Boiler Ppt Slides
Posted By admin On 31.12.19CHARLOTTE, N.C.-(BUSINESS WIRE)-Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE:BW) announced today that itssubsidiary, The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W), has been awarded acontract for more than $50 million to design and supply boiler equipmentfor an existing North American power plant. The majority of the value ofthis contract will be booked in first quarter 2018.“Maintaining a reliable and efficient North American power fleet is akey goal for B&W’s Power business,” said Mark Low, Senior Vice Presidentof B&W’s Power segment.
Babcock And Wilcox Boiler Ppt Slides 2017
“Coal-fired plants continue to provide asubstantial portion of the power delivered to the electrical grid, andit’s critical that these plants be maintained to operate at peakefficiency.”B&W has successfully executed thousands of component replacementprojects for B&W and non-B&W utility and industrial boilers.